2011: 31 Days of Play

Ever have challenges preparing dinner?  (maybe another meal?)  Try a game of Simon Says to see if your players can contribute to the meal preparation tonight! Think out your “commands” in advance based on ages and needs so that every age really has something to contribute to the game and the meal prep.  Adapt this […]


Tag!  You’re it! Did you make a commitment to play with your children every day this month? Think now about what times during each of the days of the week would meet most everyone’s availability to play  – just a little?   Can you think of any transition times that might be particularly interesting to try to insert a […]


Welcome to AP Month 2011!

October 1, 2011

Our theme this year is “Families at Play: Nurturing parent-child relationships through play.” Through our Daily Calendar that runs each day of October – otherwise known as “AP Month!” – we’ll feature a tip or idea with a goal of providing bits of information and super simple ways to incorporate play in your everyday routines. […]

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Families at Play

May 25, 2011

Duck….. duck……duck….Welcome to AP Month 2011! Our theme this year is “Families at Play:  Nurturing Parent-Child Relationships through Play” and we’re full of a playful spirit as we welcome you to AP Month Central where you can skip around and find out about what’s going on for AP Month this year. Even though AP Month […]


AP Month 2011

March 29, 2011

Welcome to AP Month Central! We’re in the process of updating AP Month Central to reflect the 2011 theme and activities so stay tuned! Meanwhile, we invite you to begin planning your AP Month involvement!  Here’s how: 1. Get noticed:  Be a Sponsor. Be seen by a list of over 100,000 individual online charitable auction […]