Did you know that thinking “off the beaten path” can stimulate creativity? Before attempting to take the road-less taken, what’s your primary problem-solving style anyway? While we all employ both of these styles in problem solving, we might have a tenancy to use one style more frequently than the other. Each style has it’s merits […]
Did you ever emerge from a daydream with a “eureka?” On the contrary, can you recall as a child (or even an adult!) being reprimanded for daydreaming? What’s the deal with daydreaming and is there any benefit to it or is it a sign of weakness? Creativity research suggests that engaging in simple, external […]
Are you looking for a boost in creativity? Before doing a spacial task, try focusing first on a verbal task (such as anagrams) or, conversely, try focusing on a spacial task (such as mental rotation) in order to boost verbal fluency and creativity. Our brains seem to literally shift when incubating on the opposite type […]
“The dual pathway to creativity model argues that creativity–the generation of original and appropriate ideas– is a function of cognitive flexibility and cognitive persistence.” (Nijstad, et al) Research further suggests that, while a positive mood stimulates cognitive flexibility, a negative mood stimulates persistence. So stubbornness can be positive! But, how does that help?! Is it possible […]
Research on the effects of task switching on creativity tests by Roda, Stojanov, and Kianfar found that interruptions and “multi-tasking” hinder creativity and do not improve creativity. Because the ability to “multi-task” is considered desirable in our culture, we can see yet another reason why creativity is on the decline. If you find yourself frustrated […]
Research is shows that IQ is on the rise, but creative thinking scores are decreasing significantly, especially in Kindergarten-3rd graders, since 1990. Home is a stronger influence than school for young children so it makes sense that creativity is mostly influenced at home. Psychological safety and freedom (Rogers, 1954) are two external conditions which foster […]
“When planning and teaching, attention is generally given to cognition while the effect of mood and emotion on cognition is ignored. But students are not emotionless thinkers and the effect can make a difference to their thought. This is particularly evident when attempting to foster creative thinking.” (Newton, Douglas. “Moods, emotions, and creative thinking: A […]