Parenting Challenges and Personality Development

October 9, 2013

Parenting is a joyful career paradoxically fraught with constant, yet shifting challenges. The challenges seem to grow along with our children and we hurry to keep pace. Developmental psychologists and teachers sagely advise that children of every age undergo predictable periods “mental leaps” – and that these are good!  The flip side of those mental […]

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Parenting as a Creative Collaboration

October 8, 2013

 Today’s post is sponsored by:   Michaelene Dawson defined Creative Parenting as a parenting philosophy that uses a deliberate creative approach to the process of leading the family, and focuses on nurturing the creative growth of every family member. No parent or family lives in a vacuum, so finding – and forging – parenting creative […]

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Creativity and Ethics

October 7, 2013

How do we determine what is ethical behavior?  How do we teach ethical behavior to our children?  One way to go about ethical thinking is to develop idea generation and solution monitoring skills. When there are multiple choices in a given situation, we can discuss a few different responses and why some might be more […]

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Creativity and Compassion

October 6, 2013

Research shows that compassion is a process that involves noticing, appraising, feeling and responding.  Each of these aspects is also related to psychological flexibility which is in turn, related to creativity. Take a few minutes today to expand your creativity:  try to do some extra noticing.  Notice small things.  Notice your own feelings and responses […]

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Innovation and parenting, what a great relationship

October 5, 2013

Innovation can be defined as “a new idea, device, or method; the application of new solutions that meet new requirements or inarticulate needs.” Synonyms include: change, alteration, revolution, upheaval, transformation, metamorphosis, breakthrough.   Anyone who has been a parent for even a week can attest that innovation is essential as a baby or child grows. […]

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Creativity, even with discipline

October 4, 2013

Contemporary discipline techniques often rely on shame, blame, punishments or rewards and these features can prevent children from learning the pro-social lessons we intend them to learn. Creativity can help us avoid knee-jerk or negative reactions and tap into our patient, inner teacher. Creativity necessarily relies on limits and boundaries, but it helps us crack […]

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Enjoying the more challenging aspects of parenting

October 3, 2013

Psychological flexibility can help you enjoy the more challenging aspects of parenting, such as sleep and discipline. Exploring your own feelings about parenting choices and where those feelings originated can help dispel fears related to those sensitive issues and help clear the way to make choices you feel confident with while leaving some room to […]

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