Go apple picking and make apple sauce or pie. For today’s tip, as well as an archive of the entire month’s tips, please visit the AP Month Calendar of Presence.
Write a letter to your child about the things that make them special. For today’s tip, as well as an archive of the entire month’s tips, please visit the AP Month Calendar of Presence.
Plan to find and attend an AP Month event with the family this month. For today’s tip, as well as an archive of the entire month’s tips, please visit the AP Month Calendar of Presence.
Hold hands with your children as often as you can today. For today’s tip, as well as an archive of the entire month’s tips, please visit the AP Month Calendar of Presence.
Plan homemade Halloween costumes for the family. For today’s tip, as well as an archive of the entire month’s tips, please visit the AP Month Calendar of Presence.
Create a family memory book to commemorate a special time together. For today’s tip, as well as an archive of the entire month’s tips, please visit the AP Month Calendar of Presence.
Schedule time this month for each parent to have an hour or two alone to recharge. For today’s tip, as well as an archive of the entire month’s tips, please visit the AP Month Calendar of Presence.