Play can sometimes seem to require more energy than we feel we can muster on a given day.
The word “play!” itself often translates to “big energy!” but if we’re already exhausted, the though of play can be overwhelming and we go into resist mode. In reality though, play doesn’t have to be big or energy-draining at all (though kids probably love it best that way!)
One thing we can do to help us get over this misconception of play is to think in advance of some ways we can engage in play that suits everyone’s energy levels and time availabilities in a variety of situations. Being prepared with some ideas can take the work out of play and set up a positive feedback loop where the more we do it, the easier it is, the better we feel, the more we do it.
Brainstorm some ways (get the kids in on it too!) you can spend a few minutes each day playing – even with depleted energy stores. What are some small, less draining ways we can engage in play and have some fun? Write them on index cards or in your electronic note pad!
If your children are younger, it’s harder to reason this out and go slow when they wanna go big, but sometimes it can work well if we simply give them our attention while they play. Let them know you’re interesting in what they play and really pay attention and notice things. Take candid photos of them. Draw pictures of them and with them. Take notes! Play dress up.
If the children are older, the low-key games we play can be a little more sophisticated. Singing and clapping games can be easy and fun to share – remember Miss Mary Mack? How bout Hole in the Bottom of the Sea? Flea? How about string games like cats cradle? What about just tossing a beach ball around or keeping a balloon afloat?
Leave us some comments about how you engage in “low key play” play and let us know if you actually realized a little energy boost (bonus)!
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Legos is my favorite “sit on the floor and barely move” game. If I have slightly more energy, my daughter loves directing games with her animals- she tells me what the story is, and I just move a couple of her least favorite characters. I’ve found these kinda of games give me great insights into what kinds of issues she’s worried about or interested in, and create an ongoing opportunity to listen to her ideas and share mine with her.