We Need Your Help!
Vote for your favorite photos!
Choose your favorite two photos from the 2008 Attachment Parenting Month’s Photo Contest!
In October, parents e-mailed their photos showing what it means to give their children presence. A committee of API staff members has selected their favorites, and now it’s your turn to tell us who should receive prizes, which include a free one-year membership to API, a book by an AP expert author, and the opportunity to grace the cover of the new The Attached Family Magazine debuting in the spring of 2009.
Hurry! The poll closes Sunday, November 30.
Please note – the photo number is listed above the image.

Choose your favorite two photos from the 2008 Attachment Parenting Month’s Photo Contest!
- Photo 1 (37%, 128 Votes)
- Photo 4 (28%, 97 Votes)
- Photo 3 (21%, 74 Votes)
- Photo 2 (14%, 50 Votes)
Total Voters: 243

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }
The other photos are great, especially the breastfeeding one, but if we are choosing a picture that represents what “Giving Our Children Presence” means, then this photo explains it all. Not only is the baby in a sling(wonderful!), but the mother is showing her child something that may not have been noticed otherwise. She is bringing her child into HER world and giving her the opportunity to learn and have appreciation for the things around her. We all need to stop and smell the flowers more often, and take our children with us!!
I especially like photo 1 because it shows a dad involved with his son by showing him how to fly a kite. He’s getting down to his son’s level, teaching him and laughing with him. Way to go! Dads are still an unrepresented minority when it comes to attachment parenting!
Many parents may connect with their babies but don’t work hard to keep that connection as their children get older. I loved photo 3 because the mom is making eye contact and being close with her older son. Also, I agree with Matt that photo 1 is great because dad’s need to be just as “attached.”
I love #1.
We need more dads involved in their kids lives. Look how happy he lokes to just be with his child! This is great.
This is a very tough choice, I think #4 is a beautiful photo and represents all that we want for our children, but I voted for #1 and #3 because I agree that the connection between dads and a their children still does not get the attention that it deserves and this photo shows the gift it offers both the child and the dad. With #3 I also agree with a previous comment that older children tend to get pushed to the side, and I think it is important to show how beautiful and important it is to continue this bond with our children for their entire lives.
All of the photos demonstrate different, wonderful aspects of attachment parenting. However, I am quite fond of number 2. It simply and authentically shows a mother making room for both of her children, which is important in the evolution of the growing family. As a mother who tandem nursed my daughters through 2 pregnancies, I feel close to the idea of making room for everyone. This photo illustrates beautifully this concept.
I choose photo number one. The others are wonderfull too, but this photo’s shows to me what parenting is about; protecting (fathers kneels behind the child), interacting (they kite, he learns the child to kite) and making fun! (enjoying the good things of live.)