
One way to define is a child is happy is to say that they experience many positive emotions and behaviors. And children who are happy do not experiencing frequent periods of intense, negative emotions and negative behaviors. Positive emotions and behaviors: joy pleasure excitement relates well to others active participant in wide range of activities achieving […]


Children Flourishing

October 8, 2014

Are your children flourishing?  Some examples are: Joyful living, bathed in nurturing love and a sense of trust Awareness of and skills for connecting to others Developing one’s capacities to the fullest with autonomy guided by empathy Are you flourishing? Awareness of and responsibility for the web of life Using one’s gifts and capacities to […]


Studies suggest that a parenting style characterized by warmth, inductive reasoning, appropriate monitoring, and clear communication fosters a child’s cognitive functioning, social skills, moral development, and psychological adjustment. In contrast, parenting practices involving hostility, rejection, and coercion have been shown to increase the probability of negative developmental outcomes such as delinquency, psychopathology, academic failure, and […]


Well-being and the child

October 6, 2014

(1) How is child well-being defined? (2) What are the domains ofchild well-being? (3) What are the indicators of child well-being? Results indicate that well-being is a commonly used but inconsistently defined term frequently included in the study of child development.There are five distinct domains of child well-being: physical, psychological, cognitive,social, and economic. Positive indicators […]


Stress is a feeling of being under abnormal pressure. This pressure can come from different aspects of your day to day life. Such as an increased workload, a transitional period, an argument you have with your family or new and existing financial worries. You may find that it has a cumulative effect, with each stressor […]


Parenting and child health

October 4, 2014

Parenting is probably the most important public health issue facing our society. It is the single largest variable implicated in childhood illnesses and accidents; teenage pregnancy and substance misuse; truancy, school disruption, and underachievement.  Parenting is a buffer against adversity and a mediator of damage, but if they weren’t caused by you or your child […]


Positivity opens your mind

October 3, 2014

Research shows the experience of frequent positive emotions serves to broaden humans’ thoughts and behaviors, resulting in accrual of resources, including coping resources, which catalyze upward spirals toward future well-being.  As expected, frequent positive emotions during school were associated with higher levels of student engagement and negative emotions with lower levels of engagement. Positive emotions, […]